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The Bipartisan Origins of White Nationalism
Daedalus ( IF 1.340 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1162/daed_a_01843
Douglas S. Massey

Abstract Dysfunctional immigration and border policies implemented in recent decades have accelerated growth of the Latino population and racialized its members around the trope of illegality. Since the 1960s, Republicans have cultivated White fears and resentments toward African Americans, and over time these efforts broadened to target Hispanics as well. Until 2016, this cultivation relied on a dog whistle politics of racially coded symbolic language, but with the election of Donald Trump as president, White nationalist sentiments became explicit and White nationalism emerged as an ideological pillar of the Republican Party. This volume confirms this political transformation, describing its features and documenting its consequences. In this essay, I describe the unwise U.S. immigration and border policies that were steadily promulgated and expanded over the decades by Democrats as well as Republicans, inevitably leading to the current racist and nativist moment. I close by offering a way forward by granting legal status to those who currently lack it, while simultaneously dismantling the nation's formidable machinery of immigration and border enforcement.



摘要 近几十年来实施的功能失调的移民和边境政策加速了拉丁裔人口的增长,并围绕非法的比喻对其成员进行了种族化。自 1960 年代以来,共和党人培养了白人对非裔美国人的恐惧和怨恨,随着时间的推移,这些努力也扩大到针对西班牙裔美国人。直到2016年,这种耕种依靠种族编码的象征性语言的狗吹口哨政治,但是随着唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)为总统,白人民族主义的情绪变得明确,白人民族主义已成为共和党的意识形态支柱。这本书证实了这种政治转变,描述了它的特点并记录了它的后果。在这篇文章中,我描述了不明智的美国 几十年来,民主党人和共和党人稳步颁布和扩大的移民和边境政策,不可避免地导致了当前的种族主义和本土主义时刻。最后,我通过向目前缺乏法律地位的人提供法律地位,同时拆除该国强大的移民和边境执法机制,提供了一条前进的道路。