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Pain-full Worlds: Coming of Age with Chronic Pelvic Pain Peter K. New Student Award Paper
Human Organization  ( IF 1.322 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-12 , DOI: 10.17730/1938-3525-80.3.183
Halle Young

This article explores how young prenatal women negotiate, articulate, and manage their experiences of chronic pelvic pain (CPP). I argue that chronic pelvic pain lies at the intersection of chronic illness, pain, feminization, sex, and legibility, and that pain of this character is deeply stigmatized. Investigating it offers a visceral view into the affective layers of chronic pain. This project draws on ethnographic interviews with CPP sufferers aged eighteen to thirty, pelvic health care providers, and sex and treatment tool production companies. The analysis is rooted in histories of frigidity, hysteria, and chronic illness that together affect how CPP is socially understood today. This article explicates the critical differences between prompted recurrent pain and constant bodily pain in terms of the subjectivity of associated experiences, the problematic insistence on vaginal penetration as evidence of cure, and the dilemmas of treating pain with doubly painful therapies.


充满痛苦的世界:患有慢性盆腔疼痛的成年期 Peter K. New Student Award Paper

本文探讨了年轻的产前女性如何协商、表达和管理她们的慢性盆腔疼痛 (CPP) 经历。我认为慢性盆腔疼痛是慢性疾病、疼痛、女性化、性和易读性的交汇点,而这种性格的疼痛被深深地污名化了。研究它提供了一个深入了解慢性疼痛的情感层的观点。该项目利用对 18 至 30 岁 CPP 患者、盆腔保健提供者以及性和治疗工具生产公司的民族志访谈。该分析植根于性冷淡、歇斯底里和慢性病的历史,这些历史共同影响了当今社会对 CPP 的理解。本文从相关体验的主观性方面解释了提示性复发性疼痛和持续性身体疼痛之间的关键区别,