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Through the Eyes on the Ground: Re-positioning Rural Agrarian Actors as Leaders in the Local Food Movement during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Human Organization  ( IF 1.322 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-29 , DOI: 10.17730/1938-3525-80.4.322
Allison Cantor

Despite Costa Rica’s efforts to promote international tourism, the economy continues to struggle with unprecedented unemployment rates due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is especially concerning for tourism-dependent regions, such as the Monteverde Zone, where most residents have abandoned land-based livelihoods in favor of tourism. This study uses photovoice to illustrate the ways that small-scale food producers have adapted to the unique challenges of the COVID-19 global pandemic in a region that was already experiencing a loss of agrarian identity. Overall, local food producers have been affected by the diminished tourism economy through the closing of restaurants and the decrease in tourists, causing them to experience crop loss. Food producers have adapted to the economic impacts of the pandemic by re-investing their efforts into a local economy. As part of this shifting strategy, some food producers have begun to expand, diversify, and embrace an approach to growing food that is in line with building more resilient models of food production and engaging with their clients in different ways. Using community-based participatory methods, this study illustrates how food producers have adapted to changes brought on by the pandemic, re-positioning some of these rural agrarian actors as prominent figures in the local food movement.


通过实地观察:在 COVID-19 大流行期间将农村农业行为者重新定位为当地食品运动的领导者

尽管哥斯达黎加努力促进国际旅游业,但由于 COVID-19 大流行,经济继续与前所未有的失业率作斗争。这对于依赖旅游业的地区来说尤其令人担忧,例如蒙特维多地区,那里的大多数居民已经放弃了以土地为基础的生计,转而支持旅游业。本研究使用 photovoice 来说明小规模食品生产者如何适应 COVID-19 全球大流行的独特挑战,该地区已经失去了农业认同。总体而言,由于餐馆关闭和游客减少,当地食品生产商受到旅游经济衰退的影响,导致他们遭受农作物损失。食品生产商通过将其努力重新投资于当地经济来适应大流行的经济影响。作为这一转变战略的一部分,一些食品生产商已开始扩大、多样化并采用一种与建立更具弹性的食品生产模式并以不同方式与客户互动相一致的食品种植方法。本研究使用基于社区的参与方法,说明食品生产者如何适应大流行带来的变化,将其中一些农村农业参与者重新定位为当地食品运动的杰出人物。并采用一种符合建立更具弹性的粮食生产模式并以不同方式与客户互动的粮食种植方法。本研究使用基于社区的参与方法,说明食品生产者如何适应大流行带来的变化,将其中一些农村农业参与者重新定位为当地食品运动的杰出人物。并采用一种符合建立更具弹性的粮食生产模式并以不同方式与客户互动的粮食种植方法。本研究使用基于社区的参与方法,说明食品生产者如何适应大流行带来的变化,将其中一些农村农业参与者重新定位为当地食品运动的杰出人物。