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“People Show Up in Different Ways”: DACA Recipients’ Everyday Activism in a Time of Heightened Immigration-Related Insecurity
Human Organization  ( IF 1.322 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.17730/1938-3525-80.1.27
Christina Getrich 1

Undocumented young adults have emerged as a coherent political group, forging a large-scale social movement and helping push forward nineteen state-level tuition equity laws and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) in 2012. Yet, DACA recipients’ status became endangered when President Trump rescinded DACA in September 2017, necessitating even more innovative strategies for contesting their exclusion. Drawing from research conducted in Maryland since 2016, I chronicle DACA recipients’ trajectories of political engagement. Though some have participated consistently in public forms of collective action, many never have or have declined in participation due to political apathy, the intense need to protect their identities, and very-real fears about being exposed or deported. Yet, these young adults have cultivated complementary forms of everyday activism, operating outside traditional modalities and spaces of political engagement through acts of resistance carried out in everyday life. I contend that against the backdrop of the repressive state in the Trump era, the everyday activism of DACA recipients complements more normative and overt forms of collective action. Everyday activism raises interesting questions about the nature of activism itself, including the extent to which it must be collective, organized, and public, and its place in social justice movements more broadly.


“人们以不同的方式出现”:在与移民有关的不安全感加剧的时期,DACA 接受者的日常活动

无证青年已经成为一个连贯的政治团体,形成了一场大规模的社会运动,并在 2012 年帮助推动了 19 项州级学费公平法和儿童入境延期行动 (DACA)。然而,DACA 接受者的地位在特朗普总统于 2017 年 9 月取消了 DACA,因此需要采取更多创新策略来对抗他们的排斥。从 2016 年以来在马里兰州进行的研究中,我记录了 DACA 接受者的政治参与轨迹。尽管有些人一直参与公共形式的集体行动,但由于政治冷漠、保护自己身份的强烈需求以及对被曝光或驱逐出境的非常真实的恐惧,许多人从未参与或拒绝参与。然而,这些年轻人培养了日常活动的互补形式,通过在日常生活中进行的抵抗行为,在传统模式和政治参与空间之外运作。我认为,在特朗普时代的压制性国家的背景下,DACA 接受者的日常活动补充了更加规范和公开的集体行动形式。日常激进主义对激进主义本身的性质提出了有趣的问题,包括它必须在多大程度上是集体的、有组织的和公共的,以及它在更广泛的社会正义运动中的地位。DACA 接受者的日常活动补充了更加规范和公开的集体行动形式。日常激进主义对激进主义本身的性质提出了有趣的问题,包括它必须在多大程度上是集体的、有组织的和公共的,以及它在更广泛的社会正义运动中的地位。DACA 接受者的日常活动补充了更加规范和公开的集体行动形式。日常激进主义对激进主义本身的性质提出了有趣的问题,包括它必须在多大程度上是集体的、有组织的和公共的,以及它在更广泛的社会正义运动中的地位。