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Driving Organizational Change: 2020 Bronislaw Malinowski Award Address
Human Organization  ( IF 1.322 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-12 , DOI: 10.17730/1938-3525-80.3.177
Elizabeth K. Briody

This article represents my 2020 Bronislaw Malinowski Award Address that I delivered virtually at the 2021 Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meetings, March 23–27, 2021. The address focuses on the value of organizations as both a field of study and a place of employment for anthropologists. On the one hand, organizations have been largely excluded from anthropological field research in favor of research in communities. On the other, academic anthropology departments (applied anthropology programs excepted) have been largely reluctant to engage with anthropological practice and scholarship in the classroom or view organizations as a vital source of careers for their graduating students. I use my own career trajectory as a model to raise awareness of what anthropology might learn from organizations as well as what anthropologists might offer them. I will close with an initiative for a cross-section of the discipline to work together on the Career Readiness Commission to address the lack of student preparation and professionalization for careers in and for organizations.


推动组织变革:2020 年 Bronislaw Malinowski 颁奖词

本文代表我在 2021 年 3 月 23 日至 27 日在 2021 年应用人类学学会年会上发表的 2020 年布罗尼斯瓦夫·马林诺夫斯基奖演讲。该演讲侧重于组织作为研究领域和就业场所的价值人类学家。一方面,组织在很大程度上被排除在人类学领域研究之外,而有利于社区研究。另一方面,学术人类学系(应用人类学课程除外)在很大程度上不愿在课堂上从事人类学实践和学术研究,也不愿将组织视为其毕业生职业的重要来源。我以自己的职业轨迹为模型,以提高人们对人类学可以从组织中学到什么以及人类学家可以为他们提供什么的认识。最后,我将提出一项跨学科的倡议,以便在职业准备委员会上共同努力,以解决学生在职业生涯和组织中缺乏准备和专业化的问题。