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Narratives of Harm: Accounts and Displacements of Faculty Sexual Harassment of Students
Signs ( IF 2.614 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-01 , DOI: 10.1086/716640
Leila Whitley

This article examines two public letters written in response to disclosures of faculty sexual harassment of students, attending to how and where the letters locate understandings of harm. The first of these letters is an institutional public letter released by Goldsmiths, University of London, in response to the disclosure of its history of sexual harassment. The second is an open letter released by the group UBC Accountable in relation to the suspension, and eventual termination, of Professor Steven Galloway at the University of British Columbia. My interest across this article is in attending to how these public interventions work to displace the harm caused by this harassment—moving it from the students who have reported harassment to the university itself or to those reported to have harassed and assaulted students. In tracking these displacements, I point to how what is publicly known is structural to how and where harm is located, and I analyze the letters from the perspective of what they fail to record and what remains unsaid within them. This is a way of working to account for the experiences and histories that are displaced from the record.



本文研究了两封针对教职员工对学生性骚扰的披露而写的公开信,关注这些信函如何以及在何处找到对伤害的理解。这些信件中的第一封是伦敦大学金史密斯学院为回应披露其性骚扰历史而发布的机构公开信。第二封是 UBC Accountable 组织就英属哥伦比亚大学 Steven Galloway 教授的停职和最终解雇发表的公开信。我对这篇文章的兴趣在于关注这些公共干预如何工作以取代这种骚扰造成的伤害——将其从报告骚扰的学生转移到大学本身或那些报告骚扰和殴打学生的学生。在追踪这些位移时,我指出了公开已知的内容如何构成伤害的位置和位置,并从它们未能记录的内容和其中未提及的内容的角度分析这些信件。这是一种解释从记录中移出的经验和历史的方法。