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The Voice Gives It Away
Social Psychology ( IF 3.444 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1027/1864-9335/a000441
Barbara Krahé 1 , Andreas Uhlmann 1 , Meike Herzberg 1

Abstract. Two experiments examined the impact of voice pitch on gender stereotyping. Participants listened to a text read by a female (Study 1; N = 171) or male (Study 2, N = 151) speaker, whose voice pitch was manipulated to be high or low. They rated the speaker on positive and negative facets of masculinity and femininity, competence, and likability. They also indicated their own gendered self-concept. High pitch was associated with the ascription of more feminine traits and greater likability. The high-pitch female speaker was rated as less competent, and the high-pitch male speaker was perceived as less masculine. Text content and participants’ gendered self-concept did not moderate the pitch effect. The findings underline the importance of voice pitch for impression formation.



摘要。两项实验检查了音调对性别刻板印象的影响。参与者聆听由女性(研究 1;N = 171)或男性(研究 2,N = 151)说话者朗读的文本,其音高被操纵为高或低。他们从男性气质和女性气质、能力和讨人喜欢的积极和消极方面对演讲者进行评分。他们还表明了自己的性别自我概念。高音与更多女性特征和更可爱的归因有关。高音女性演讲者被评为不太称职,而高音男性演讲者被认为不那么男性化。文本内容和参与者的性别自我概念并没有缓和音高效应。研究结果强调了音调对印象形成的重要性。