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There Where You Are Not: Selected Writings of Kamal Boullata and Uninterrupted Fugue: Art by Kamal Boullata
Journal of Palestine Studies ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/0377919x.2021.1941685
Steve Tamari 1

There Where You Are Not: Selected Writings of Kamal Boullata and Uninterrupted Fugue: Art by Kamal Boullata Recent Books Steve Tamari To cite this article: Steve Tamari (2021) There Where You Are Not: Selected Writings of Kamal Boullata and Uninterrupted Fugue: Art by Kamal Boullata, Journal of Palestine Studies, 50:3, 69-72, DOI: 10.1080/0377919X.2021.1941685 To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/0377919X.2021.1941685


你不在的地方:Kamal Boullata 和不间断赋格的文选:Kamal Boullata 的艺术

你不在的地方:Kamal Boullata 和不间断赋格的文选:Kamal Boullata 最近的书籍 Steve Tamari 的艺术 引用这篇文章:Steve Tamari (2021) 你不在的地方:Kamal Boullata 和不间断赋格的文选:艺术Kamal Boullata, Journal of Palestine Studies, 50:3, 69-72, DOI: 10.1080/0377919X.2021.1941685 链接到这篇文章: https://doi.org/10.1080/0377919X.2021.1941685