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Is the Formalization of Collective Tenure Rights Supporting Sustainable Indigenous Livelihoods? Insights from Comunidades Nativas in the Peruvian Amazon
International Journal of the Commons ( IF 2.646 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.5334/ijc.1126
Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti , Blanca Begert , Miguel Angel Guerra Loza

After decades of activism by Indigenous Peoples and their allies, the need to formalize Indigenous land rights has received increasing global attention as a strategy to address climate change. Research has highlighted the compatibility between community forest management regimes and carbon sequestration, reiterating the essential role that securing Indigenous land tenure must play in forest-based climate change mitigation strategies. Based on research conducted in six Indigenous Comunidades Nativas with formal collective titles in Peruvian Amazonia, this article argues that titling alone is not enough to ensure that Indigenous Peoples are supported and enabled to access their recognized rights and play a central role in addressing the climate crisis. Indigenous Awajún and Asháninka informants discussed challenges with accessing suitable livelihoods, excessive restrictions on timber harvest, land conflicts with smallholder migrant farmers and extractive concessions, unclear conflict resolution mechanisms, and policies that assume a communal governance model that differs from actual Indigenous leadership roles and institutions. All of these challenges put pressure on community members, creating incentives for unsustainable land and resource use, and undermining their abilities to protect their forests. Although Peru has included Comunidades Nativas and other co-managed areas in the mitigation actions toward its Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement, it must re-examine its titling reforms, and the way that Comunidades’ land and resource access is regulated and weakened. This will allow for titling in practice to live up to its promise in theory as a strategy for promoting equity and mitigating climate change. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti Center for International Forestry Research, Peru j.sarmiento@cgiar.org


集体权属权利的正式化是否支持可持续的土著生计?来自秘鲁亚马逊地区 Comunidades Nativas 的见解

经过土著人民及其盟友数十年的积极行动,将土著土地权利正式化为应对气候变化战略的必要性越来越受到全球关注。研究强调了社区森林管理制度与碳封存之间的兼容性,重申了确保土著土地使用权在以森林为基础的气候变化缓解战略中必须发挥的重要作用。本文基于在秘鲁亚马逊河流域拥有正式集体产权的六个土著社区进行的研究,认为仅授予产权不足以确保土著人民得到支持并使其能够获得其公认的权利并在应对气候危机中发挥核心作用. 土著 Awajún 和 Asháninka 线人讨论了获得合适生计的挑战、对木材采伐的过度限制、与小农移民农民和采掘特许权的土地冲突、不明确的冲突解决机制以及假定与实际土著领导角色和机构不同的公共治理模式的政策. 所有这些挑战都给社区成员带来了压力,为不可持续的土地和资源使用创造了动力,并削弱了他们保护森林的能力。尽管秘鲁已将 Comunidades Nativas 和其他共同管理的地区纳入其对《巴黎协定》的国家自主贡献的缓解行动,但它必须重新审查其所有权改革,以及对 Comunidades 的土地和资源获取进行监管和削弱的方式。这将使所有权在实践中兑现其理论上的承诺,作为促进公平和缓解气候变化的战略。通讯作者:Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti 国际林业研究中心,秘鲁 j.sarmiento@cgiar.org