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Futures of Life and Futures of Reason
Public Culture ( IF 1.442 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1215/08992363-8742136
Achille Mbembe

Abstract As the new century unfolds, humans are increasingly surrounded by multiple and expanding wave fronts of calculation. What remains of the human subject in an age when instrumental reason is carried out by and through information machines and technologies of calculation? Who will set the boundary that distinguishes between the calculable and the incalculable? In the double-edged conditions of our times, what will it take to turn instruments of calculation into instruments of liberation?



摘要 随着新世纪的展开,人类越来越多地被多重且不断扩大的计算波阵面所包围。在工具理性由信息机器和计算技术执行的时代,人类主体还剩下什么?谁来设定区分可计算和不可计算的界限?在我们这个时代的双刃剑条件下,将计算工具变成解放工具需要什么?