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Conjunctures: Who Counts, What Circulates, and the Politics of Children
Public Culture ( IF 1.442 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.1215/08992363-8917122
Arjun Appadurai , Michael Ralph , Vyjayanthi Rao , Erica Robles-Anderson

The preceding issue (January 2021) was completed in the spring of 2020 as a pandemic was disrupting every arena of social life. Even then, we aimed to see “the virus in the context of the planet” and not to succumb to “the temptation to see the planet solely through the lens of the virus.” (3) We've taken those words to heart. The present issue offers a somewhat dispersed set of articles about apps and air filters, shopping malls and circuses, urban majorities and children. Yet in the light of the current conditions, these topics reveal a set of conjunctural surprises. The essays in this issue remind us that the coronavirus spreads through particular contexts and that we should poise ourselves to observe and to notice what comes next. This issue opens with two essays about tracking majorities. In “Not Tracking: The Antipolitics of...



上一期(2021 年 1 月)于 2020 年春季完成,当时一场大流行正在扰乱社会生活的各个领域。即便如此,我们的目标是“在地球的背景下看待病毒”,而不是屈服于“仅仅通过病毒的镜头看待地球的诱惑”。(3) 我们把这些话牢记在心。本期提供了一些关于应用程序和空气过滤器、购物中心和马戏团、城市大多数人和儿童的文章,内容有些分散。然而,鉴于目前的情况,这些主题揭示了一系列的意外惊喜。本期文章提醒我们,冠状病毒会在特定环境中传播,我们应该做好准备去观察和注意接下来会发生什么。本期以两篇关于追踪多数的文章开头。在“不追踪:...的反政治”中