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Narratives of Regret: Resisting Cisnormative and Bionormative Biases in Fertility and Family Creation Counseling for Transgender Youth
IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics ( IF 0.558 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.3138/ijfab-14.2.09
Beth A. Clark

Gender-affirming hormone therapy is increasingly available to support healthy development of transgender (trans) youth, but ethical concerns have been raised regarding fertility-related implications. In this article, I present data from an exploratory qualitative study of the decision-making experiences of trans youth, parents of trans youth, and healthcare providers serving trans youth related to fertility and family creation. I discuss how cisnormative and bionormative biases can impact care and contribute to ethically problematic narratives of regret. Finally, I offer recommendations to support ethically sound, gender-affirmative fertility and family creation counseling with transgender youth.


