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Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) and the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing: Connected Through Impact
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing ( IF 6.343 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-03 , DOI: 10.1177/07439156211056538
Samantha N. N. Cross , Anders Gustafsson , Cornelia (Connie) Pechmann , Karen Page Winterich

For 40 years, the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing (JPP&M) has provided a forum within the marketing discipline for scholarship on the impact of public policies and actions on marketers, consumers, and society. It seeks articles that offer insightful and thoughtful analyses of public policies that affect the marketing profession and the marketplace. Martin and Scott’s (2021, p. 2) editorial stresses the opportunity for JPP&M to be the journal for topics that “make a difference,” defined as “something that helps people or makes the world a better place.” This positioning situates JPP&M as an excellent outlet for articles that reflect the principles espoused by the growing emphasis in marketing academia on Responsible Research in Business and Marketing (RRBM). The seven RRBM principles are unapologetically ambitious, asking for both basic and applied contributions with sound methodologies that value multidisciplinary collaboration, stakeholder involvement, impact on numerous stakeholders, and broad dissemination (RRBM 2021). These principles overlap and intersect with the goals of JPP&M and challenge marketing researchers, educators, and practitioners to think boldly, broadly, and globally with a shared vision of inspiring, encouraging, and supporting credible, useful, and inclusive research. Together, JPP&M and RRBM seek research that can make a positive difference for consumers and stakeholders and pave the way, one article at a time, for societal well-being and a better world. Making a positive difference implies a shift to a dual focus in which corporate and marketing strategies need to consider corporate and shareholder well-being, as well as consumer, environmental, and societal impact, for the benefit of both companies and the world at large (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2013). The Transformative Consumer Research movement has embraced this focus, envisioning “Marketing as a Force for Good” (Mende and Scott 2021). Our hope is for RRBM principles to be applied more broadly beyond the TCR community to researchers in consumer behavior as well as marketing strategy. Businesses can no longer focus solely on shareholder value and profitability given the increasing consumer demand for socially responsible practices concerning employee welfare, equality, environmental impact, and community contributions. Marketing researchers must broaden their perspective to consider marketing‘s impacts on a variety of stakeholders and societal well-being. Although several marketing journals have had special issues on topics related to RRBM (e.g., Journal of Marketing’s Better Marketing for a Better World, Journal of Consumer Psychology’s Consumer Psychology for the Greater Good, Journal of Marketing Research’s Mitigation in Marketing), JPP&M has consistently published articles that embody the principles of RRBM. As such, it is not surprising that five of the articles recognized by the AMA-EBSCO-RRBMAnnual Award for Responsible Research in Marketing in its inaugural year (2019) were published in JPP&M, with two additional JPP&M articles receiving this award in 2020. Although each award-winning JPP&M article fulfills several of the RRBM principles, we highlight one principle per article in this commentary. In the inaugural year of the award, the JPP&M article by Catlin, Pechmann, and Brass (2015) was one of only two distinguished winners, and it demonstrates commitment to RRBM Principle 1: benefit both consumer welfare and business. Guided by theory on naive consumer beliefs, the researchers


商业与管理负责任研究 (RRBM) 和公共政策与营销杂志:通过影响连接

40 年来,《公共政策与营销杂志》(JPP&M) 为营销学科提供了一个论坛,以研究公共政策和行动对营销人员、消费者和社会的影响。它寻求对影响营销专业和市场的公共政策提供有见地和深思熟虑的分析的文章。Martin 和 Scott(2021 年,第 2 页)的社论强调 JPP&M 有机会成为“有所作为”主题的期刊,这些主题被定义为“帮助人们或让世界变得更美好的事物”。这一定位使 JPP&M 成为发表文章的绝佳渠道,这些文章反映了营销学术界越来越重视商业和营销负责任研究 (RRBM) 所支持的原则。七项 RRBM 原则毫无歉意地雄心勃勃,以重视多学科合作、利益相关者参与、对众多利益相关者的影响和广泛传播的合理方法要求基础和应用贡献(RRBM 2021)。这些原则与 JPP&M 的目标重叠和交叉,并挑战营销研究人员、教育工作者和从业人员大胆、广泛和全球化地思考,以激发、鼓励和支持可信、有用和包容性研究的共同愿景。JPP&M 和 RRBM 一起寻求可以为消费者和利益相关者带来积极影响的研究,并为社会福祉和更美好的世界铺平道路,一次一篇文章。产生积极的影响意味着转向双重关注,即企业和营销战略需要考虑企业和股东的福祉,以及消费者、环境和社会影响,以造福双方公司和整个世界(经济合作与发展组织,2013 年)。变革性消费者研究运动已经接受了这一重点,设想“营销是一种向善的力量”(Mende 和 Scott 2021)。我们希望 RRBM 原则能够在 TCR 社区之外更广泛地应用于消费者行为和营销策略的研究人员。鉴于消费者对有关员工福利、平等、环境影响和社区贡献的社会责任实践的需求日益增加,企业不能再仅仅关注股东价值和盈利能力。营销研究人员必须拓宽视野,考虑营销对各种利益相关者和社会福祉的影响。尽管有几本营销期刊在与 RRBM 相关的主题上有特刊(例如,Journal of Marketing's Better Marketing for a Better World、Journal of Consumer Psychology's Consumer Psychology for the Greater Good、Journal of Marketing Research's Mitigation in Marketing),但 JPP&M 始终如一地发表体现RRBM原则的文章。因此,AMA-EBSCO-RRBM 营销负责任研究年度奖在其首年(2019 年)认可的 5 篇文章在 JPP&M 上发表也就不足为奇了,另外 2 篇 JPP&M 文章在 2020 年获得了该奖项。尽管每篇获奖的 JPP&M 文章都符合 RRBM 的多项原则,我们在本评论中强调每篇文章的一项原则。在该奖项的首年,Catlin, Pechmann 的 JPP&M 文章,Brass (2015) 是仅有的两位杰出获奖者之一,它表明了对 RRBM 原则 1 的承诺:使消费者福利和企业受益。研究人员以幼稚的消费者信念理论为指导,