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Legislation for renewable energy communities and citizen energy communities in Austria: changes from the legislative draft to the finally enacted law
The Journal of World Energy Law & Business ( IF 0.403 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-28 , DOI: 10.1093/jwelb/jwac008
Bernadette Fina , Carolin Monsberger

Abstract Based on the European guidelines—the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and the Electricity Market Directive (EMD)—legislation to enable Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) and Citizen Energy Communities (CECs) is currently being developed in individual European countries. In July 2021, Austria, as one of the first countries in Europe, enacted legislation on both, RECs and CECs. A previous study of Fina and Fechner provided a detailed comparison of the legislative draft for energy communities in Austria, published in March 2021, to the European guidelines. Strengths and weaknesses of the Austrian transposition were highlighted and discussed. Now that the enacted version of the Austrian legislation has been published, important changes from the legislative draft to the final legislation have been identified. Building upon Fina and Fechner, this work aims at supplementing the previous study by examining and critically discussing these changes in order to present the Austrian legislation on energy communities as enacted to an international readership.



摘要 基于欧洲指导方针——可再生能源指令 (RED) 和电力市场指令 (EMD)——目前正在各个欧洲国家制定支持可再生能源社区 (REC) 和公民能源社区 (CEC) 的立法。2021 年 7 月,奥地利作为欧洲最早的国家之一,颁布了关于 REC 和 CEC 的立法。Fina 和 Fechner 之前的一项研究详细比较了 2021 年 3 月发布的奥地利能源社区立法草案与欧洲指南。强调并讨论了奥地利换位的优点和缺点。现在奥地利立法的颁布版本已经公布,从立法草案到最终立法的重要变化已经确定。