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The life and works of Domenico Mario Nuti, 1937–2020: An appreciation
Acta Oeconomica ( IF 0.939 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1556/032.2021.00009
Saul Estrin 1 , Milica Uvalic 2

AbstractIt is challenging to provide an encompassing portrait of Mario Nuti's life and works: he was an exceptional man, who made significant intellectual contributions across a wide range of fields, as well as inspiring generations of students, colleagues and the profession in general, for more than fifty years. A brilliant debater and controversialist, he was equally at home in economic theory and in giving policy advice, and over the decades he had made significant contributions to many branches of the discipline. In this memorial article, we try to give a flavour of the man and his work, hopefully reminding the conoscenti of Mario's perceptive and original work, while introducing a new generation of scholars to his distinctive take on the field of economics.


Domenico Mario Nuti 的生平和作品,1937-2020:欣赏
