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The Continuous Pursuit of Smart Learning
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology ( IF 3.730 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.14742/ajet.7207
Simon K. S. Cheung , Fu Lee Wang , Lam For Kwok

With an emphasis on learning flexibility, effectiveness, efficiency, engagement, adaptivity and reflectiveness, smart learning embraces a variety of concepts, including but not limited to personalised learning, adaptive learning, intelligent tutoring, open online learning, blended learning, and collaborative learning. As new concepts continue to evolve, the pursuit of smart learning is ongoing, mainly in areas pertaining to the design and implementation frameworks, pedagogical theories and practices, learners’ behaviours and learning pattern, learning and assessment strategies and evaluation of learning performance and perception. This editorial gives an overview of smart learning and provides the context on the latest development of smart learning in which the articles in this special issue are located.


