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Personality and territoriality in theory and in Belgium
Language Problems and Language Planning ( IF 1.115 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-24 , DOI: 10.1075/lplp.00078.sch
Helder De Schutter 1

AbstractLanguage policy debates regularly refer to the principles of personality and territoriality. Yet the precise meaning of these principles remains unclear. In this contribution, I conceptualize these principles as poles of a continuum between official bilingualism (instantiating the personality principle) and official unilingualism (exemplifying the territoriality principle), with a mixed regime in between (which grants a certain territorial primacy to a language, but allows exceptions based on linguistic affiliation). The question of the determination of particular points on the continuum cannot be separated from the metaterritorial question of the boundaries of the units within which those principles apply. Application of this ‘continuum model’ to Belgium draws attention to three language-political regimes. The first invokes a strict personality principle (Brussels). The second follows the strict territoriality principle (almost all municipalities in Flanders and Wallonia). The third is a mixed regime (a total of 27 ‘municipalities with facilities’ where one language enjoys primacy but speakers of another language enjoy certain linguistic ‘facilities’). The article also analyses the manner in which these regimes were historically established in Belgium in combination with a delineation of the language border and the division of the country into four language areas.



摘要语言政策辩论经常提到人格和地域性原则。然而,这些原则的确切含义仍不清楚。在这篇文章中,我将这些原则概念化为官方双语制(体现人格原则)和官方单语制(举例说明属地原则)之间的连续统一体的两极,两者之间有一个混合制度(它赋予一种语言一定的地域优先权,但允许基于语言关系的例外)。连续统一体上特定点的确定问题不能与这些原则适用的单位边界的元领土问题分开。这种“连续模型”在比利时的应用引起了对三种语言政治制度的关注。第一个引用了严格的人格原则(布鲁塞尔)。第二个遵循严格的属地原则(法兰德斯和瓦隆的几乎所有城市)。第三种是混合制度(共有 27 个“有设施的市镇”,其中一种语言享有首要地位,而说另一种语言的人则享有某些语言“设施”)。本文还结合语言边界的划分和将该国划分为四个语言区域,分析了这些政权在比利时历史上建立的方式。第三种是混合制度(共有 27 个“有设施的市镇”,其中一种语言享有首要地位,而说另一种语言的人则享有某些语言“设施”)。本文还结合语言边界的划分和将该国划分为四个语言区域,分析了这些政权在比利时历史上建立的方式。第三种是混合制度(共有 27 个“有设施的市镇”,其中一种语言享有首要地位,而说另一种语言的人则享有某些语言“设施”)。本文还结合语言边界的划分和将该国划分为四个语言区域,分析了这些政权在比利时历史上建立的方式。