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Institutionalizing cultural Europeanism: between transnationalism and national identity (1948-1954)
Culture & History Digital Journal ( IF 0.195 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-29 , DOI: 10.3989/chdj.2021.009
Luis Domínguez Castro , José Ramón Rodríguez Lago

Cultural Europeanism is a variant of the process of European integration attested within the framework of the Cold War. It will be mostly anti-communist, although it will couch elements favouring West-East dialogue. The governments will promote an intergovernmental model based on multilateral cooperation and national identity, and put into practice in institutions such as the Western Union or the Council of Europe. Non-governmental organizations, such as the European Movement, will be committed to a more transnational model based on the affirmation and promotion of the idea of Europe through institutions such as the College of Europe, the European Centre for Culture or the European Cultural Foundation. Within cultural Europeanism, networks of secondary institutionalization, such as educational seminars, ended up having as much or more impact than the primary entities from which they emerged.


