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Shaping citizen’s freedom of social media interaction in Tanzania: The role of city policy experts in digital policy-making
Journal of African Media Studies ( IF 0.641 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1386/jams_00034_1
Josephine Philip Churk 1 , Ingrid Volkmer 2

Digital communication, especially social media interaction, has emerged as a key domain for civic debates specifically in urban areas of Tanzania. However, how policy-makers perceive these as opportunities for societal development is rarely assessed in research. This study will fill this gap through semi-structured interviews with policy-makers in Dar es Salaam and focus on assessing their perception of the role of social media in digital policy-making in society. Based on the study results, we suggest a new strategic approach for policy collaboration across African regions for building sustained policy capacity and to enable resilient public spheres as a core component of societal development in digital Africa.


