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Towards a Common Public Culture? Boundaries to Belonging in Catalonia
Social Inclusion ( IF 1.543 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-04 , DOI: 10.17645/si.v10i2.4943
Angelina Sánchez‐Martí , Jordi Pàmies , Alejandro Caravaca , Berta Llos

The tension between the will to build a collective national identity and the increasing diversity of today’s societies is one of the main challenges facing nation‐states today. Catalan society, being no exception, also faces many challenges as diasporic identities and transnational loyalties proliferate, weakening both citizens’ roots and their need to belong. The present article aims to identify situations and social spaces of discrimination and explicit/implicit racism, existing mechanisms and responses aimed at avoiding and dealing with these situations, and the groups they affect most in Catalan society. Through a participatory research, 23 focus groups were carried out—of between six and 12 participants—in eight territories (Pàmies et al., 2020). Results reveal diverse areas of discrimination, ranging from the violation of civil and political rights to that of economic, social, and cultural rights. The situations described and named by some as examples of micro‐racism complicate the sense of belonging for many citizens, challenging the real possibility of achieving a pluricultural collective identity. Thus, to promote belonging and build a common public culture with which everyone feels identified, as promoted by official speeches, it is necessary to recognize plurality and diversity and promote citizen participation—and representation—in devising public actions, as well as encourage interactions that emphasize all common and shared aspects in a context conditioned by the reactive fragmentation of identity politics.



建立集体民族认同的意愿与当今社会日益多样化之间的紧张关系是当今民族国家面临的主要挑战之一。加泰罗尼亚社会也不例外,也面临着许多挑战,因为流散身份和跨国忠诚度激增,削弱了公民的根基和归属感。本文旨在确定歧视和显性/隐性种族主义的情况和社会空间,旨在避免和处理这些情况的现有机制和应对措施,以及它们在加泰罗尼亚社会中影响最大的群体。通过参与性研究,在 8 个地区开展了 23 个焦点小组——参与者在 6 到 12 人之间(Pàmies 等人,2020 年)。结果揭示了不同领域的歧视,从侵犯公民权利和政治权利到侵犯经济、社会和文化权利。一些人描述和命名为微观种族主义例子的情况使许多公民的归属感复杂化,挑战了实现多元文化集体身份的真正可能性。因此,为了促进归属感和建立一种每个人都感到认同的共同公共文化,正如官方演讲所提倡的那样,有必要承认多元化和多样性,促进公民参与和代表 - 制定公共行动,并鼓励互动在身份政治的反应性碎片化的背景下,强调所有共同和共享的方面。一些人描述和命名为微观种族主义例子的情况使许多公民的归属感复杂化,挑战了实现多元文化集体身份的真正可能性。因此,为了促进归属感和建立一种每个人都感到认同的共同公共文化,正如官方演讲所提倡的那样,有必要承认多元化和多样性,促进公民参与和代表 - 制定公共行动,并鼓励互动在身份政治的反应性碎片化的背景下,强调所有共同和共享的方面。一些人描述和命名为微观种族主义例子的情况使许多公民的归属感复杂化,挑战了实现多元文化集体身份的真正可能性。因此,为了促进归属感和建立一种每个人都感到认同的共同公共文化,正如官方演讲所提倡的那样,有必要承认多元化和多样性,促进公民参与和代表 - 制定公共行动,并鼓励互动在身份政治的反应性碎片化的背景下,强调所有共同和共享的方面。