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Welfare Mediators as Game Changers? Deconstructing Power Asymmetries Between EU Migrants and Welfare Administrators
Social Inclusion ( IF 1.543 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-07 , DOI: 10.17645/si.v9i4.4642
Nora Ratzmann , Anita Heindlmaier

Under EU law, EU citizens constitute a particular group of immigrants, as they can, mostly without restrictions, move to, and reside in, another EU country, enjoying equal treatment with nationals in terms of accessing employment and social rights. However, as this article demonstrates, the settlement of EU citizens in another member state does not happen without hurdles. Through a careful in‐depth study of access to transnational welfare rights in practice, we analyse knowledge and resulting power asymmetries impacting interactions between certain EU migrant claimants and street‐level bureaucrats in Austrian and German social administrations. Following an inductive approach, based on an extensive data set of 144 qualitative interviews, this article first unpacks the different types of knowledge asymmetries relating to administrative procedures, formal social entitlements and the German language. We then analyse how such knowledge asymmetries may open space for welfare mediation in order to compensate for a lack of German language skills and to clarify misunderstandings about legal entitlements and obligations embedded in the claims system. Finally, our contribution offers a typology of welfare mediators and their characteristics, as not all types can be regarded as equally effective in reshaping power asymmetries. Overall, this article allows for insights into how welfare mediators, as more or less institutionalised opportunity structures, can shift policy outcomes in unexpected ways, enabling access to social benefits and services for otherwise excluded EU migrant citizens working, or seeking to work, in another EU member state.



根据欧盟法律,欧盟公民构成了一个特定的移民群体,因为他们可以在大多数情况下不受限制地移居另一个欧盟国家并居住在另一个欧盟国家,在获得就业和社会权利方面享有与国民同等的待遇。然而,正如本文所展示的,欧盟公民在另一个成员国的定居并非没有障碍。通过对实践中获得跨国福利权利的仔细深入研究,我们分析了知识和由此产生的权力不对称,这些不对称影响了某些欧盟移民申请人与奥地利和德国社会管理机构中的街头官僚之间的互动。采用归纳方法,基于 144 次定性访谈的广泛数据集,本文首先揭示了与行政程序相关的不同类型的知识不对称,正式的社会权利和德语。然后,我们分析了这种知识不对称如何为福利调解打开空间,以弥补德语技能的缺乏,并澄清对嵌入在索赔系统中的法律权利和义务的误解。最后,我们的贡献提供了福利调解员的类型及其特征,因为并非所有类型都可以被视为在重塑权力不对称方面同样有效。总体而言,本文允许深入了解福利调解员,作为或多或少制度化的机会结构,如何以意想不到的方式改变政策结果,使原本被排除在外的欧盟移民公民能够获得社会福利和服务,或寻求工作,在另一个欧盟成员国。然后,我们分析了这种知识不对称如何为福利调解打开空间,以弥补德语技能的缺乏,并澄清对嵌入在索赔系统中的法律权利和义务的误解。最后,我们的贡献提供了福利调解员的类型及其特征,因为并非所有类型都可以被视为在重塑权力不对称方面同样有效。总体而言,本文允许深入了解福利调解员,作为或多或少制度化的机会结构,如何以意想不到的方式改变政策结果,使原本被排除在外的欧盟移民公民能够获得社会福利和服务,或寻求工作,在另一个欧盟成员国。然后,我们分析了这种知识不对称如何为福利调解打开空间,以弥补德语技能的缺乏,并澄清对嵌入在索赔系统中的法律权利和义务的误解。最后,我们的贡献提供了福利调解员的类型及其特征,因为并非所有类型都可以被视为在重塑权力不对称方面同样有效。总体而言,本文允许深入了解福利调解员,作为或多或少制度化的机会结构,如何以意想不到的方式改变政策结果,使原本被排除在外的欧盟移民公民能够获得社会福利和服务,或寻求工作,在另一个欧盟成员国。