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Mounded Mnemonics: Tumuli and Collective Memory in Old Silla
International Journal of Korean History Pub Date : 2021-02-28 , DOI: 10.22372/ijkh.2021.26.1.35
Sebastian Müller

The monumental and lavishly equipped burial mounds located north of the historical site of Wŏlsŏng Castle in the famous city of Kyŏngju in the southeastern part of the Korean peninsula are among the most prominent archaeological remains of the Silla kingdom (traditionally 57 BCE – 935). Despite being commonly perceived as representative for the kingdom, most of the mounded graves were constructed in a comparatively limited period of Silla’s history and in all likelihood at a time when the development of the polity to a centralized kingdom was not yet completed. Usually, the size, construction, and the equipment of the mounds are analyzed and interpreted as reflections of Silla’s social structure, in close alignment to the narratives of the historical records. Although there is no doubt that the mounded graves represent the elite of the polity (including Silla’s rulers), particular aspects of the tumuli



位于朝鲜半岛东南部著名城市庆州的 Wŏlsŏng 城堡历史遗址以北的巨大且装备豪华的墓葬是新罗王国(传统上是公元前 57 年 - 935 年)最着名的考古遗迹之一。尽管通常被认为是王国的代表,但大多数土坟是在新罗历史上相对有限的时期建造的,而且很可能是在政体向中央王国的发展尚未完成的时候。通常,土丘的大小、构造和设备都被分析和解释为新罗社会结构的反映,与历史记录的叙述密切相关。