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Migrants’ self-perception of technical skills and occupational realities:
European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults Pub Date : 2022-03-14 , DOI: 10.3384/rela.2000-7426.3385
Jerald Hondonga , Manto Sylvia Ramaligela , Moses Makgato

The level of technical skills affects the integration of migrants into the host country’s labour market. This study investigated the relationship between Zimbabwean school-leaver migrants’ self-perception of technical skills and occupational realities. A mixed-method research design was used in this study and systematic sampling was used to select respondents for the study. Questionnaires were administered on 60 respondents to collect quantitative data whilst 19 respondents provided qualitative data using semi-structured interviews. Findings suggested that most low-skilled migrants from Zimbabwe faced several challenges including failure to secure formal employment, obtain work and residence permits because of their low-level technical skills and qualifications. This challenge further affects migrants’ social integration and economic status in the host country. Findings also revealed that there are no strategies to provide skills to migrant labour to assist them to join the mainstream labour market and reduce their life challenges in Botswana.



技术技能水平影响移民融入东道国劳动力市场。本研究调查了津巴布韦离校移民对技术技能的自我认知与职业现实之间的关系。本研究采用混合方法研究设计,并采用系统抽样方法选择研究对象。对 60 名受访者进行问卷调查以收集定量数据,而 19 名受访者使用半结构化访谈提供定性数据。调查结果表明,大多数来自津巴布韦的低技能移民面临多项挑战,包括由于技术技能和资格水平低而无法获得正式就业、获得工作和居留许可。这一挑战进一步影响了移民在东道国的社会融合和经济地位。调查结果还显示,没有任何战略可以为移民劳工提供技能以帮助他们加入主流劳动力市场并减少他们在博茨瓦纳的生活挑战。