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Wildlife comics, or the making of young naturalists in late Franco's Spain (1969–1970)
Journal of Science Communication Pub Date : 2022-02-21 , DOI: 10.22323/2.21010205
Carlos Tabernero

This essay examines a highly popular comic series published in Spain between 1969 and 1970 which focused on Felix Rodríguez de la Fuente (1928–1980), a prominent and influential naturalist and media icon, as main character. These comics constitute a remarkably illustrative example of the use of popular media in processes of construction of natural history knowledge. Situated in the complex final years of Franco's regime, they allow us to probe the combined role of science, media, and celebrity in the construction of a visual environmental culture through storytelling strategies designed to engage young audiences in naturalist-like practices.



这篇文章探讨了 1969 年至 1970 年间在西班牙出版的一部非常受欢迎的漫画系列,该系列以著名且有影响力的博物学家和媒体偶像菲利克斯·罗德里格斯·德拉富恩特 (Felix Rodríguez de la Fuente,1928-1980 年) 为主角。这些漫画构成了在自然历史知识构建过程中使用流行媒体的一个非常说明性的例子。位于佛朗哥政权复杂的最后几年,它们使我们能够通过旨在让年轻观众参与自然主义实践的讲故事策略来探索科学、媒体和名人在构建视觉环境文化中的综合作用。