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Valuing visitors' knowledge: the experience of Association Traces at the crossroads between science communication, participatory activities and social inclusion
Journal of Science Communication Pub Date : 2022-03-28 , DOI: 10.22323/2.21020802
Matteo Merzagora , Claudia Aguirre , Paul Boniface , Clementine Bricout , Celine Martineau

In this “practice insight” we present a series of experiences run by Association Traces, injecting participatory approaches into science engagement activities by valuing the knowledge of the public rather than focusing on their ignorance. Starting from the observation that a sort of hybridization is occurring between cultural activities and public engagement with science on one side, and co-creation and participatory activities on the other, we provide some insight on the features of each approach. Examples are then used to highlight the potential value of this hybridization: as a way of making participatory activity more recognizable and accessible to a wide audience; to ensure that scientists have a professional interest in engaging in the communication activity; to raise a sense of ownership and empowerment in the audience, etc. These examples will eventually show that participation may lead to science communication practices that are socially-inclusive and/or productive for research, and ideally both.


重视参观者的知识:Association Traces 在科学传播、参与性活动和社会包容之间的十字路口的体验

在这个“实践洞察力”中,我们展示了由 Association Traces 运营的一系列经验,通​​过重视公众的知识而不是关注他们的无知,将参与式方法注入到科学参与活动中。从观察到一方面文化活动和公众参与科学与共同创造和参与活动之间正在发生某种混合,我们就每种方法的特征提供了一些见解。然后使用示例来强调这种混合的潜在价值:作为一种使参与活动更容易被广泛受众识别和访问的方式;确保科学家对参与交流活动有专业兴趣;提高观众的主人翁意识和赋权感等。