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Participatory science communication for transformation in Colombia
Journal of Science Communication Pub Date : 2022-03-28 , DOI: 10.22323/2.21020403
Mabel Ayure , Ricardo Triana

This essay approaches the question: ‘What does participatory science communication for transformation mean in Colombia?’ The answer comes from an examination of the public policy instruments that have promoted participatory scientific communication through the concept of social appropriation of science, technology, and innovation (STI). In the gaze of these public policy instruments, it is evident how the social appropriation of STI has been intended as a means of transformation.



这篇文章探讨了这样一个问题:“在哥伦比亚,参与式科学传播促进转型意味着什么?” 答案来自对通过科学、技术和创新(STI)的社会占有概念促进参与式科学交流的公共政策工具的检查。在这些公共政策工具的注视下,很明显,社会对 STI 的占有是如何作为一种转型手段的。