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Investigating the process of ethical approval in citizen science research: the case of Public Health
Journal of Science Communication Pub Date : 2021-10-11 , DOI: 10.22323/2.20060204
Antonella Ficorilli , Giovanni Maccani , Mara Balestrini , Annibale Biggeri , Bruna De Marchi , Frederique E. M. Froeling , Florence Gignac , Regina Grazuleviciene , Gerard Hoek , Tjaša Kanduč , David Kocman , Valeria Righi , Xavier Basagana

Undertaking citizen science research in Public Health involving human subjects poses significant challenges concerning the traditional process of ethical approval. It requires an extension of the ethics of protection of research subjects in order to include the empowerment of citizens as citizen scientists. This paper investigates these challenges and illustrates the ethical framework and the strategies developed within the CitieS-Health project. It also proposes first recommendations generated from the experiences of five citizen science pilot studies in environmental epidemiology within this project.


