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Impact of Digital Technologies on the Development of Modern Film Production and Television
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities Pub Date : 2021-12-31 , DOI: 10.21659/rupkatha.v13n4.72
Zoya Alforova , , Serhii Marchenko , Halyna Kot , Alla Medvedieva , Oksana Moussienko

The popularity of streaming services has been steadily growing over the past 5 years, and the number of subscribers is increasing. This study was conducted to find out how the popularisation of streaming services affects filmmaking. The history of cinema is inextricably linked with the development of technology. It should be noted that each new page in the history of the film industry began with the invention of new innovations. During the digital age, a rapid leap forward in the television and film industry was also inevitable. Digital cinema is a format that has virtually left film and analogue cinema technology behind. Each revolution in the film industry has been a new step towards providing audiences with a new experience and an even more vivid film experience. Streaming services are one of the innovations that have emerged thanks to the development of digital technologies. They allow viewers to receive content for a fixed price. Streaming guarantees quality and availability with minimal technical support. For this study, theoretical materials on the impact of digital technologies on changes in cinema were investigated. The study analyses data on changes in the audience of the most popular streaming services over the past 10 years. The results of the study showed that the increase in demand for streaming and online cinemas affects the audience’s requirements for the genres and format of cinema. To satisfy audiences, filmmakers are constantly modernising the industry. It can be concluded that the tastes of the audience are changing and the workers of the film industry should be guided by this. In the future, global and Ukrainian streaming services will be able to create original content that will meet the requirements of viewers.



在过去的 5 年中,流媒体服务的受欢迎程度一直在稳步增长,用户数量也在不断增加。这项研究旨在了解流媒体服务的普及如何影响电影制作。电影的历史与技术的发展密不可分。应该指出的是,电影业历史上的每一个新篇章都始于新发明的发明。在数字时代,影视产业的快速飞跃也是不可避免的。数字电影是一种几乎将电影和模拟电影技术抛在后面的格式。电影业的每一次革命,都是朝着为观众提供全新体验、更加生动的电影体验迈出的新一步。由于数字技术的发展,流媒体服务是出现的创新之一。它们允许观众以固定价格接收内容。流媒体以最少的技术支持保证质量和可用性。在这项研究中,研究了有关数字技术对电影变化影响的理论材料。该研究分析了过去 10 年最受欢迎的流媒体服务的受众变化数据。研究结果表明,对流媒体和在线影院需求的增加影响了观众对电影类型和格式的要求。为了满足观众的需求,电影制作人不断地对这个行业进行现代化改造。可以得出结论,观众的口味正在发生变化,电影业的工作者应该以此为导向。