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Nasal epenthesis in preverbal accusative clitic pronouns. A variationist study of present-day dialectal European Portuguese
Journal of Portuguese Linguistics Pub Date : 2022-01-25 , DOI: 10.16995/jpl.5890
Mikołaj Nkollo 1

The paper investigates nasal epenthesis in vowel-initial preverbal 3rd person accusative pronouns in modern dialectal European Portuguese (EP). The study is underpinned by the data retrieved from the 'verbatim transcription' section of CORDIAL-SIN, a dialectal corpus of contemporary EP. Speakers' individual attitudes towards onset insertion are analyzed in the fifteen localities where variation is found. Four grammars (prosody-syntax mappings) are singled out, depending on whether the alveolar nasal is extended on preverbal clitic pronouns only or is found in other monosyllabic clitic words (definite articles and demonstrative pronouns) as well. Analogical extensions are demonstrated to be instrumental in inducing speakers to add the onset. Moreover, the analysis points to the unsteadiness in the realization of proclisis triggers. Besides surfacing as a nasal diphthong, their last syllable frequently ends in a monophthong, its vowel quality gets altered or its vocalic nucleus denasalizes. Finally, the historical profile of this external sandhi process is approached. The change is argued to have spread from grammatically and communicatively unmarked contexts, close to orality. Rather than positing a continuous transmission of nasal epenthesis across generations, emphasis is placed on the consistency with which preverbal clitic pronouns were treated in various periods and in different communicative circumstances.



本文研究了现代方言欧洲葡萄牙语(EP)中元音前动词第三人称宾格代词的鼻加音。该研究的基础是从当代 EP 的方言语料库 CORDIAL-SIN 的“逐字转录”部分检索到的数据。在发现变异的 15 个地方分析了说话者对起始插入的个人态度。四种语法(韵律-句法映射)被挑选出来,这取决于齿龈鼻音是仅在动词前的附着体代词上延伸还是在其他单音节附着体词(定冠词和指示代词)中也存在。类比扩展被证明有助于诱导说话者添加开始。此外,分析指出了在实现 proclisis 触发器方面的不稳定。除了作为鼻双元音出现外,它们的最后一个音节经常以单元音结尾,其元音质量发生改变或它的声核去鼻化。最后,探讨了这种外部三地过程的历史概况。这种变化被认为是从语法和交流上没有标记的上下文中传播出来的,接近口语。与其假设鼻加音在几代人之间持续传播,不如说强调的是在不同时期和不同交际环境中处理前动词附着体代词的一致性。这种变化被认为是从语法和交流上没有标记的上下文中传播出来的,接近口语。与其假设鼻加音在几代人之间持续传播,不如说强调的是在不同时期和不同交际环境中处理前动词附着体代词的一致性。这种变化被认为是从语法和交流上没有标记的上下文中传播出来的,接近口语。与其假设鼻加音在几代人之间持续传播,不如说强调的是在不同时期和不同交际环境中处理前动词附着体代词的一致性。