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Compensating for Stigma: Representations of Hard to Adopt Children in the "Today’s Child"
Journal of Childhood Studies Pub Date : 2021-12-21 , DOI: 10.18357/jcs464202120105
Daniella Bendo , Taryn Hepburn , Dale Spencer

We examine 4,300 advertisements of children who were featured in Today’s Child, a daily newspaper column written by Helen Allen in the Toronto Telegram and Toronto Star (1964–1982) and syndicated across North America. We highlight how stigma and values were attributed to adoptive children featured in these advertisements. Our findings reveal how the advertisements perpetuated and attached stigma to these children and how this stigma had to be compensated for the children to appeal to prospective parents. Compensatory strategies were ultimately required to manage stigma and increase the value of the featured children.



我们检查了 4,300 个儿童广告,这些广告出现在 Today's Child 中,这是由 Helen Allen 在多伦多电报和多伦多星报(1964-1982)撰写的日报专栏,并在北美联合发布。我们强调了这些广告中的收养儿童如何受到污名和价值观的影响。我们的研究结果揭示了广告是如何使这些孩子长期存在并给这些孩子带来耻辱的,以及如何必须补偿这种耻辱感才能让孩子们吸引未来的父母。最终需要补偿策略来管理污名并增加特色儿童的价值。