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Mental Health Experiences of Teachers: A Scoping Review
Journal of Teaching and Learning Pub Date : 2022-04-27 , DOI: 10.22329/jtl.v16i1.6856
Kristen Ferguson , Melissa Corrente , Ivy Bourgeault

Teacher mental health continues to be of concern in elementary and secondary schools; however, supporting teacher wellbeing is understudied (Parker et al., 2012; Roffey, 2012), particularly from a gender perspective (Bourgeault et al., 2021). Among professionals, teachers exhibit one of the highest levels of job stress and burnout on the job. (Hakanen et al., 2006; Stoeber & Rennert, 2008). This scoping review investigates and consolidates the existing research on teacher mental health, leaves of absences, and return-to-work. Work context and personal factors/family context contribute to teacher stress and attrition and by extension may impact temporary leaves of absence (Pressley, 2021). Several articles report on interventions with moderate success to reduce teacher stress, but no studies evaluated return-to-work interventions (Ebert, 2014; Kwak et al., 2019). The amount of stress teachers are experiencing and the pressure that is causing them to burn out is the most common narrative present in the literature. The review highlights gaps in the literature surrounding teacher mental health, leaves of absence, and return-to-work and a notable gap regarding the role of gender.



中小学教师的心理健康仍然受到关注;然而,支持教师福祉的研究不足(Parker 等人,2012 年;Roffey,2012 年),特别是从性别角度来看(Bourgeault 等人,2021 年)。在专业人士中,教师表现出最高水平的工作压力和工作倦怠。(Hakanen 等人,2006 年;Stoeber 和 Rennert,2008 年)。该范围界定审查调查并巩固了关于教师心理健康、请假和重返工作岗位的现有研究。工作环境和个人因素/家庭环境会导致教师压力和人员流失,进而可能会影响临时请假(Pressley,2021 年)。几篇文章报道了减轻教师压力的适度成功的干预措施,但没有研究评估重返工作岗位的干预措施(Ebert,2014;郭等人,2019)。教师正在经历的压力以及导致他们精疲力竭的压力是文献中最常见的叙述。该评论强调了围绕教师心理健康、请假和重返工作岗位的文献中的空白,以及关于性别角色的显着空白。