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Accessing the Creative Self: Encouraging Innovative L2 Expression Within a Japanese Business University Self-Access Center
Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal Pub Date : 2021-03-31 , DOI: 10.37237/120104
Sara B. Ferguson

Examining how creativity functions in regards to Japanese students’ English acquisition is a growing field of research. This descriptive practice article outlines the integration of a pioneering framework for creative expression within the Self-Access Center (SAC) of a private Japanese business university. The author provides an argument for the practical application of scaffolded, theory-based learning activities that promote creative development, increase learner engagement, and develop higher-order thinking skills. Example creative writing, reading, speaking, and listening activities are discussed.


访问创造性的自我:鼓励日本商学院自我访问中心内的创新 L2 表达

检查创造力如何影响日本学生的英语习得是一个不断发展的研究领域。这篇描述性实践文章概述了在日本私立商业大学的自我访问中心 (SAC) 内整合创新表达的开创性框架。作者为促进创造性发展、提高学习者参与度和发展高阶思维技能的基于理论的支架式学习活动的实际应用提供了一个论据。讨论了示例创意写作、阅读、口语和听力活动。