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Book Review: Representing Russia’s Orient: From Ethnography to Art Song by Adalyat Issiyeva
European History Quarterly ( IF 0.805 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-01 , DOI: 10.1177/02656914211049090l
Jonas Löffler 1

of the Civil War of 1918–1921. Hartley’s account is most detailed for the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries – the period on which most of her earlier work has focused. She provides a particularly valuable discussion of the multi-ethnic and multi-confessional character of the region, offering useful ethnographic information not only about its Russian inhabitants, but also about the smaller peoples, such as the Mordvins, Udmurts, Mari, Chuvash and Tatars, who are less well known to English readers. The story of these non-Russian peoples is followed through to the present day, with a thoughtful consideration of their cultural and identity politics within the framework of the Russian Federation. Although Hartley pays some attention, in her discussion of depictions of the Volga in art and literature, to idyllic Romantic images of the riverine scenery, the more general picture that she paints is a dark one. The history of the Volga has been marked by violence, from nomadic raiders in the Middle Ages, Cossack rebels and state repression in the early modern period, to revolution and civil war in the early twentieth century, and the Nazi advance to Stalingrad during the Second World War. In addition, the Volga peoples frequently suffered from the ravages of epidemic disease and famine, and more recently from pollution and other environmental hazards. Overall, this scholarly work provides not just a vivid chronicle of the Volga and its peoples, but an original perspective on the history of Russia as a whole.



1918-1921 年内战。哈特利对十八和十九世纪的描述最为详尽——她早期的大部分工作都集中在这一时期。她对该地区的多民族和多宗教特征进行了特别有价值的讨论,不仅提供了有关其俄罗斯居民的有用的民族志信息,还提供了有关莫尔德温人、乌德穆尔特人、马里人、楚瓦什人和鞑靼人等较小民族的有用的民族志信息,他们对英语读者不太熟悉。这些非俄罗斯民族的故事一直延续到今天,在俄罗斯联邦的框架内对他们的文化和身份政治进行了深思熟虑的考虑。尽管哈特利在讨论艺术和文学中对伏尔加河的描绘时,对河流风景的田园诗般的浪漫形象有所关注,她画的更普遍的画面是黑暗的。伏尔加河的历史以暴力为标志,从中世纪的游牧掠夺者、现代早期的哥萨克叛乱和国家镇压,到 20 世纪初的革命和内战,再到纳粹在二战期间向斯大林格勒进军世界大战。此外,伏尔加人经常遭受流行病和饥荒的蹂躏,最近还遭受污染和其他环境危害。总体而言,这部学术著作不仅提供了伏尔加河及其人民的生动编年史,而且提供了对整个俄罗斯历史的原始视角。现代早期的哥萨克叛乱和国家镇压,二十世纪初的革命和内战,以及第二次世界大战期间纳粹向斯大林格勒的推进。此外,伏尔加人经常遭受流行病和饥荒的蹂躏,最近还遭受污染和其他环境危害。总体而言,这部学术著作不仅提供了伏尔加河及其人民的生动编年史,而且提供了对整个俄罗斯历史的原始视角。现代早期的哥萨克叛乱和国家镇压,二十世纪初的革命和内战,以及第二次世界大战期间纳粹向斯大林格勒的推进。此外,伏尔加人经常遭受流行病和饥荒的蹂躏,最近还遭受污染和其他环境危害。总体而言,这部学术著作不仅提供了伏尔加河及其人民的生动编年史,而且提供了对整个俄罗斯历史的原始视角。