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Book Review: Succession to the Throne in Early Modern Russia: The Transfer of Power 1450–1725 by Paul Bushkovitch
European History Quarterly ( IF 0.805 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-01 , DOI: 10.1177/02656914211049090e
Anastasiia S. Lystsova 1

what it is to be European, but extending these ideas to the colonial sphere remains an arena characterized for the most part by silence. In sum, there is much promise to A History of the European Restorations, and its impressive cast of contributors have made important interventions. At the same time, however, we are well past the point at which we can write about Europe and ignore its many entanglements away from the continent itself. These two volumes will no doubt be of great benefit for scholars wishing to challenge the intellectual borders of the Restorations; a reckoning with the geographical borders, however, and an acknowledgement that writing about a European topic does not in and of itself demand exclusive Eurocentrism might have to wait for a future work.


书评:现代早期俄罗斯的王位继承:1450-1725 年权力的转移,保罗·布什科维奇着
