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Analysis of the Assets, Credits and Deposits Concentration within the Croatian Banking System based on Selected Concentration Indices
Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice Pub Date : 2022-01-01 , DOI: 10.2478/jcbtp-2022-0006
Mihovil Anđelinović 1 , Mihaela Milec 2 , Ksenija Dumičić 3

Abstract This paper analyses the concentration of the banking system in Croatia and the impact of concentration on stability of the economic system as a whole over the period since 2002 to 2017. The level of concentration is usually related to the competitiveness of a particular sector, in this case the banking system, which affects the development and health of the country's entire economic system. The banking system, as the basis for the development of all other sectors of the economy, has been analysed here in the context of the concentration trend and efficiency in the selected time period using selected concentration indices: Concentration Ratio, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, the Gini coefficient and the entropy measure using the variables of total assets of banks, loans granted, and received deposits. This research concludes that in the considered period of nearly 20 years, Croatia was among the EU countries with increased concentration level of the banking system.



摘要 本文分析了 2002 年至 2017 年期间克罗地亚银行体系的集中度以及集中度对整个经济体系稳定性的影响。集中度水平通常与特定行业的竞争力有关,在这种情况是银行系统,它影响到国家整个经济系统的发展和健康。银行系统作为所有其他经济部门发展的基础,在这里使用选定的集中度指数在选定时期内的集中度趋势和效率的背景下进行了分析:集中度比率、赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数、基尼系数和熵测度使用银行总资产、发放贷款和收到存款等变量。