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Women, crime and punishment in Ireland: life in the nineteenth-century convict prison. By Elaine Farrell. Pp 292. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2020. £75.
Irish Historical Studies Pub Date : 2021-11-01 , DOI: 10.1017/ihs.2021.40
Ciara Breathnach 1

established position of the Church of Ireland. It was not until after the disestablishment of this church in 1871 that Presbyterians joined in larger numbers. Consideration of the religious composition of the order would have complimented the author’s important analysis on class. For example, the grand lodgewas almost exclusively Anglican because it was dominated by the landed classes. This affected how the leadership reacted to challenges to the Church of Ireland because an Anglican-dominated grand lodge would invariably seek to defend the established position of their denomination. Furthermore, the author acknowledges the political and theological diversity of Irish Protestantism at several points. However, using the Orange Order as a medium through which to assess the Protestant mindset in general is not always helpful. It tends towards the very thing that the author stated hewished to avoid― namely, treating Irish Protestantism as a monolith. This sometimes leads to confusing conclusions such as ‘the Orange Order mirrored Protestant society in that it was by no means a fluid entity’ (p. 205). Perhaps, but all Orangemen in this period were ultra-Protestant in that they were usually politically and theologically conservative and committed to exclusive loyalty and the perpetuation of Protestant ascendancy, however defined. Despite these caveats, this is an important and welcome contribution to the historiography of the Loyal Orange Institution in Ireland. The author has examined a variety of primary sources and introduces several thought-provoking themes. It is hoped that modern historians will find in this book a reason to better understand the order and its important impact on Irish history.


爱尔兰的妇女、犯罪与惩罚:十九世纪囚犯监狱的生活。作者:伊莱恩·法瑞尔。第 292 页。剑桥:剑桥大学出版社。2020 年。75 英镑。

确立了爱尔兰教会的地位。直到 1871 年该教会解散后,长老会才大量加入。考虑到该命令的宗教构成将补充作者对阶级的重要分析。例如,大旅馆几乎完全是英国国教的,因为它由地主阶级主导。这影响了领导层对爱尔兰教会挑战的反应,因为一个由英国国教主导的大会众总是会寻求捍卫其教派的既定地位。此外,作者在几个方面承认爱尔兰新教的政治和神学多样性。然而,使用橙色秩序作为评估新教心态的媒介并不总是有帮助的。它倾向于作者所说的他希望避免的事情——即将爱尔兰新教视为一块巨石。这有时会导致令人困惑的结论,例如“橙色秩序反映了新教社会,因为它绝不是一个流动的实体”(第 205 页)。也许吧,但这一时期的所有国足都是极端的新教徒,因为他们通常在政治和神学上都很保守,并致力于排他性的忠诚和新教优势的永久化,无论如何定义。尽管有这些警告,但这是对爱尔兰忠诚奥兰治机构史学的重要且受欢迎的贡献。作者检查了各种原始资料并介绍了几个发人深省的主题。