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A Critical Perspective on James Cone and US Black Liberation Theology: Exploring the Greatest Debate for Global Africana Religions That Never Happened
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2021.1957695
Daudi Ajani ya Azibo 1

Abstract There is an important debate which never took place among United States Black Liberation Theology (BLT) practitioners, including James Cone: about whether or not Black Liberation Theology should continue to be delimited in canon to that handed down from the lineage initiated by Constantine versus developing canon from historical and cultural deep thought of African civiliations. In this article it is argued that this is pivotal for its future. The necessity of a reversion to centred African-based religion as against the continuation of conversion to Western-based Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is promoted. Mental disorder purveyed through religion (theological misorientation) is presented and BLT is redefined as favourable to the African Renaissance.



摘要在包括詹姆斯·康在内的美国黑人解放神学 (BLT) 实践者之间从未发生过一场重要的辩论:关于黑人解放神学是否应继续在经典中划定为康斯坦丁与从非洲文明的历史和文化深刻思想中发展经典。在本文中,有人认为这对其未来至关重要。提倡必须回归以非洲为中心的宗教,而不是继续皈依以西方为基础的犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教。介绍了通过宗教(神学方向错误)提供的精神障碍,并将 BLT 重新定义为有利于非洲文艺复兴。