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Decolonising the Discourse on Resilience
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2021.1962725
Charles Amo-Agyemang 1

Abstract This article presents a discursive critique of the Eurocentric paradigms of knowledge production that characterise much of the underlying logics in the age of neoliberal discourses on resilience, pointing out important areas not given sufficient attention. In particular, it highlights the limits of the modernist ontology of resilience, whereby extremely “vulnerable” African communities are encouraged “to become resilient” to climatic disruption and environmental catastrophe and to “bounce back” as rapidly as possible. The article moves the discussion forward, drawing from critical decolonial approaches, in alignment with Indigenous knowledges, to question and rethink meaningful alternative ontologies, ways of knowing and being, in adaptive governance. I argue that the recognition of the plurality of many worlds, rather than one world, highlighted through critical decolonial understandings of epistemic forms with Indigenous knowledges, can be counterposed to Western universality as an innovative ontology to decentre the world order in the problematic dominant development of resilience thinking.



摘要 本文对以欧洲为中心的知识生产范式进行了论述性批评,这些范式表征了新自由主义关于复原力的话语时代的许多潜在逻辑,并指出了没有得到足够重视的重要领域。特别是,它强调了现代主义复原力本体论的局限性,鼓励极度“脆弱”的非洲社区“变得有弹性”以应对气候破坏和环境灾难,并尽快“反弹”。本文将讨论向前推进,从批判性的非殖民主义方法中汲取灵感,与土著知识相一致,质疑和重新思考适应性治理中有意义的替代本体论、认识和存在方式。我认为承认多个世界的多样性,而不是一个世界,