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A Stubborn Culture? Zimbabwean Migrants and the Quest for a Decent Burial during the Covid-19 Pandemic
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Pub Date : 2021-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2022.2025873
Chipo Hungwe 1

Abstract The rise in deaths due to the combined effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and other communicable and non-communicable diseases has made it difficult for Zimbabweans to dignify death and offer decent burials to the deceased. Funeral parlours and other players in the death industry have become overwhelmed. This article explains the behaviour of Zimbabweans in the diaspora who continue to repatriate dead bodies into the country even when repatriation poses challenges to all involved, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Concepts such as “the living dead”, “death in and out of place”, and “good death versus bad death” are used to analyse perceptions of death among Zimbabweans. For the Shona and Ndebele (the biggest ethnic groups in Zimbabwe), the living and the dead form part of the same community. Repatriation of the dead is an attempt to dignify death and offer a decent send-off to the deceased, whose spirit must be placated lest they become vengeful. Burial location signifies an affirmation of belonging to the kin group. The grave site, and its accessibility, gives kin members the opportunity to perform the necessary rituals at any time.


顽固的文化?津巴布韦移民和在 Covid-19 大流行期间寻求体面的埋葬

摘要由于 Covid-19 大流行和其他传染性和非传染性疾病的综合影响,死亡人数上升,这使得津巴布韦人难以有尊严地死亡并为死者提供体面的葬礼。殡仪馆和死亡行业的其他参与者已经不堪重负。本文解释了侨民中津巴布韦人的行为,他们继续将尸体运回该国,即使遣返对所有相关人员构成挑战,尤其是在 Covid-19 大流行期间。诸如“活死人”、“死在原地”和“好死与坏死”等概念被用来分析津巴布韦人对死亡的看法。对于 Shona 和 Ndebele(津巴布韦最大的民族)来说,生者和死者是同一个社区的一部分。遣返死者是为了让死者有尊严,并为死者提供体面的送别,必须安抚死者的精神,以免他们报复。埋葬地点表示对属于亲属群体的肯定。墓地及其可访问性使亲属成员有机会随时进行必要的仪式。