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Understanding the Conflict in Libya: Strategic Options and Pathways
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2021.1949362
Daniel Chigudu 1

Abstract The conflict in Libya is a product of controversial and complex developmental issues; events in local politics have been influenced strongly and propelled by factors that are both exogenous and endogenous. On April 4, 2019, General Khalifa Haftar ordered the Libyan National Army to launch an offensive and subdue Tripoli. This triggered the Government of National Accord (GNA) to mobilise its armed forces and react accordingly, bringing to a standstill the political process that was underway. The attack occurred a couple of days prior to the National Conference scheduled for April 14–16, which was to be facilitated by the United Nations (UN). Since then, re-engagement efforts have been made by several international, regional, and national actors to forge a cessation-of-hostilities agreement for the resumption of political dialogue. The hostility, mainly concentrated in the southern part of Tripoli, has caused several civilian fatalities and casualties and seriously damaged infrastructure for civilians. The Libyan conflict has heightened forced displacements and humanitarian needs, impeding access to health care, food, and other basic services. A desktop study and literature review were conducted to explore and understand these conflict dynamics. It was revealed that, contrary to pervasive misconceptions, the forces hostile to Haftar are predominantly volunteers and not institutionalised militias. Islamists, who are political elements, form a negligible part of these forces, with well-known criminals active on the two conflicting sides, though essentially more prevalent in Haftar’s forces. Strategic options and pathways for Libya and the African Union (AU) are recommended for ending the conflict.



摘要 利比亚冲突是有争议的复杂发展问题的产物;地方政治事件受到外生和内生因素的强烈影响和推动。2019 年 4 月 4 日,哈利法·哈夫塔尔将军命令利比亚国民军发动攻势,制服的黎波里。这促使民族团结政府(GNA)动员其武装部队并作出相应反应,使正在进行的政治进程陷入停顿。这次袭击发生在原定于 4 月 14 日至 16 日举行的全国会议前几天,该会议将由联合国 (UN) 提供协助。从那时起,一些国际、地区和国家行为体重新参与努力,以达成一项停止敌对行动协议,以恢复政治对话。敌对行动主要集中在的黎波里南部,造成数名平民死伤,平民基础设施严重受损。利比亚冲突加剧了被迫流离失所和人道主义需求,阻碍了获得医疗保健、食品和其他基本服务的机会。进行了桌面研究和文献回顾,以探索和理解这些冲突动态。据透露,与普遍的误解相反,敌视哈夫塔尔的部队主要是志愿者,而不是制度化的民兵。作为政治因素的伊斯兰主义者在这些势力中只占微不足道的一部分,著名的犯罪分子活跃在这两个冲突的一方,尽管在哈夫塔尔的势力中基本上更为普遍。