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Digital Elections and the Problem of Liquid Trust in the Kenyan Electoral Management Institution
International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Pub Date : 2021-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/18186874.2021.1949363
George Katete 1

Abstract This article is inspired by studies on digital trust at the workplace. The article seeks to bridge the gap created by the lack of explanations in academic studies and theorising on why, even though elections can be held in African countries using technology and digital tools, the outcomes continue to be contested, as in the past. Blame is laid on the electoral institution, the people running the institution, and the technology applied during the election process. The study provides background regarding the Kenyan context, and benefits from a wide theorisation and generalisations taken from the literature on trust in the functions of institutions, people, and technology. The article also links these three in the broader framework of the project of digital trust at the workplace. It concludes that the holding of elections using digital technology did not yield the desired results of solidifying trust in the Kenyan electoral process and in the political domain as a whole. The context of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) involves liquid trust and a great deal of frustration, meaning that the decision to make use of technology does not necessarily lead to better results. Liquid trust is a type of trust which is short-lived, ephemeral, access-based, and dematerialised, while solid trust is an enduring and materialised type of trust. Modern liquid trust generates its other: the digital non-trustworthy or ethics-less design of a digital world.



摘要 本文的灵感来自对工作场所数字信任的研究。这篇文章试图弥合由于学术研究缺乏解释和理论化造成的差距,尽管非洲国家可以使用技术和数字工具举行选举,但与过去一样,选举结果仍然存在争议。责任归咎于选举机构、管理机构的人以及选举过程中应用的技术。该研究提供了有关肯尼亚背景的背景,并从有关对机构、人员和技术功能的信任的文献中获得的广泛理论和概括中受益。本文还将这三者与工作场所数字信任项目的更广泛框架联系起来。它的结论是,使用数字技术举行选举并没有产生巩固对肯尼亚选举进程和整个政治领域的信任的预期结果。独立选举和边界委员会 (IEBC) 的背景涉及流动的信任和大量的挫败感,这意味着使用技术的决定不一定会带来更好的结果。流动信任是一种短暂的、短暂的、基于访问的、非物质化的信任,而稳固的信任是一种持久的、物化的信任。现代流动信任产生了另一种:数字世界的数字化不可信或缺乏道德的设计。独立选举和边界委员会 (IEBC) 的背景涉及流动的信任和大量的挫败感,这意味着使用技术的决定不一定会带来更好的结果。流动信任是一种短暂的、短暂的、基于访问的、非物质化的信任,而稳固的信任是一种持久的、物化的信任。现代流动信任产生了另一种:数字世界的数字化不可信或缺乏道德的设计。独立选举和边界委员会 (IEBC) 的背景涉及流动的信任和大量的挫败感,这意味着使用技术的决定不一定会带来更好的结果。流动信任是一种短暂的、短暂的、基于访问的、非物质化的信任,而稳固的信任是一种持久的、物化的信任。现代流动信任产生了另一种:数字世界的数字化不可信或缺乏道德的设计。