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Social capital vs. anonymity? 3Ds Urban form and social capital development in Indonesian cities
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development Pub Date : 2022-06-15 , DOI: 10.1080/19463138.2022.2074016
Irfani Fithria Ummul Muzayanah 1, 2 , Suahasil Nazara 1 , Benedictus Raksaka Mahi 1 , Djoni Hartono 1, 2


Discussions on the relationship between urban form and social capital have garnered attention for a long time as they are well documented in the literature. However, the empirical analysis regarding these two issues is still limited. This study proposes a new perspective on the link between the 3Ds (Density, Diversity, and Design) element of urban form and social capital in the global south using the Indonesian context. Using the linear multilevel regression, this study consistently revealed a contradicting result according to which greater residential density is negatively associated with several social capital factors. Surprisingly, more retail areas in cities are adversely associated with some social capital indicators. High connectivity did not necessarily encourage the development of social capital for small-medium cities. This study showed varied associations between density and social capital in small-medium, and large cities, with consistent results regarding land use mix.


社会资本与匿名?3Ds 印度尼西亚城市的城市形态和社会资本发展


关于城市形态与社会资本之间关系的讨论长期以来一直备受关注,因为它们在文献中有很好的记载。然而,关于这两个问题的实证分析仍然有限。本研究利用印度尼西亚的背景,提出了一个关于城市形态的 3D(密度、多样性和设计)元素与全球南部社会资本之间联系的新观点。使用线性多级回归,这项研究始终揭示了一个矛盾的结果,根据该结果,更高的住宅密度与几个社会资本因素呈负相关。令人惊讶的是,城市中更多的零售区域与一些社会资本指标呈负相关。高连通性并不一定会促进中小城市社会资本的发展。
