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Image War: Interview with Marie-José Mondzain
Journal of Communication Inquiry Pub Date : 2022-06-06 , DOI: 10.1177/01968599221105218
Briankle G. Chang 1 , Zervoudaki Nefeli Forni 1

In this interview, Marie-José Mondzain, prominent French philosopher, historian, and cultural critic, discusses some of the key concepts in critical visual studies central to her work. In her typical keen, learned fashion, Mondzain demonstrates the unbreakable relationships among image, desire, subjectivity, collective identity, and the broader sociocultural milieu, in which image making and unmaking work in situ to constitute our political realities and the conflicts therein. Never a mere visual object, an image, as Mondzain shows, is as dynamic an element in the display of power as all the acts of negotiations and struggles that make up what is called politics. In plain but lively language and peppered with ticking examples, Mondzain's replies to the interviewer provide a helpful introduction to her work on culture, theory, criticism, and politics over more than forty years.



在这次采访中,著名的法国哲学家、历史学家和文化评论家 Marie-José Mondzain 讨论了对她的工作至关重要的批判性视觉研究中的一些关键概念。Mondzain 以她典型的敏锐、博学的方式展示了形象、欲望、主体性、集体身份和更广泛的社会文化环境之间牢不可破的关系,在这种关系中,形象的制造和破坏在原地工作,构成了我们的政治现实和其中的冲突。从来没有一个单纯的视觉对象,一个图像,正如蒙德赞所展示的那样,在展示权力时,就像构成所谓政治的所有谈判和斗争行为一样充满活力。Mondzain 对采访者的回复用简单而生动的语言并充满了滴答作响的例子,为她在文化、理论、批评、
