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From the Editor’s Desk
Theological Studies Pub Date : 2022-06-06 , DOI: 10.1177/00405639221097161
Christopher Steck

As this issue goes to press, the world watches in heart-wrenching dismay the violence being inflicted upon the people of Ukraine, staggering violations of human dignity reported in disturbing textual detail and hauntingly graphic images. Over fifty years after Paul VI’s 1965 exhortation to the United Nations, “No more war, war never again,” Pope Francis has cuttingly condemned this most recent conflict as “a cruel and senseless war,” where “the powerful decide and the poor die.” War is “a barbarous and sacrilegious act!”1



在本期出版之际,全世界都在心痛沮丧地注视着乌克兰人民遭受的暴力,令人震惊的文字细节和令人难以忘怀的图形图像中报道了令人震惊的侵犯人类尊严的行为。在保禄六世 1965 年向联合国发出“不再有战争,不再有战争”的​​劝告 50 多年后,教皇方济各尖锐地谴责这场最近的冲突是“一场残酷而毫无意义的战争”,“强者决定,穷人死去” 。” 战争是“野蛮和亵渎神明的行为!” 1