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Extremely high abundances of Prasiola crispa-associated micrometazoans in East Antarctica
Polar Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-20 , DOI: 10.33265/polar.v41.7781
Dzmitry A. Lukashanets , Yury H. Hihiniak , Vladislav Y. Miamin

To elucidate poorly known aspects of the microscopic metazoan distribution in ice-free parts of the Antarctic, we examined samples of the multicellular terrestrial alga Prasiola crispa, collected over the last decade in different parts of continental East Antarctica and Haswell Island. We found that the micrometazoans inhabiting the algae consist of remarkably abundant bdelloid rotifers (subclass Bdelloidea), followed by tardigrades. We did not find nematodes. The rotifer assemblages were characterized by low diversity (only six species). Nevertheless, rotifer densities were extremely high: mean densities ranged from 75 to 3030 individuals per 100 mg of the dry sample weight and the maximum value numbered in excess of 8000 per 100 mg of the dry sample weight. These data show that terrestrial algae, along with mosses, are a very attractive habitat for rotifers and tardigrades in the Antarctic. The statistical analysis showed a lack of correlations between rotifer and tardigrade densities and nutrients (N, C, P, K and Na). Our findings are consistent with the patchy distribution of terrestrial micrometazoans in the Antarctic that has previously been found.



为了阐明南极无冰地区微观后生动物分布鲜为人知的方面,我们检查了多细胞陆生藻类 Prasiola crispa,在过去十年中在南极洲东部大陆和哈斯韦尔岛的不同地区收集。我们发现居住在藻类中的微后生动物由非常丰富的贝类轮虫(贝类轮虫亚类)组成,其次是缓步动物。我们没有发现线虫。轮虫组合的特点是多样性低(只有六种)。然而,轮虫密度极高:平均密度范围为每 100 毫克干样品重量 75 至 3030 只个体,最大值超过每 100 毫克干样品重量的 8000 只。这些数据表明,陆地藻类以及苔藓是南极轮虫和缓步动物非常有吸引力的栖息地。统计分析表明轮虫和缓步动物的密度和养分(N、C、P、K 和 Na)之间缺乏相关性。
