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A proposal for nonabelian $(0,2)$ mirrors
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-24 , DOI: 10.4310/atmp.2021.v25.n6.a4
Wei Gu 1 , Jirui Guo 2 , Eric Sharpe 1

In this paper we give a proposal for mirrors to $(0,2)$ supersymmetric gauged linear sigma models (GLSMs), for those $(0,2)$ GLSMs which are deformations of $(2,2)$ GLSMs. Specifically, we propose a construction of $(0,2)$ mirrors for $(0,2)$ GLSMs with $E$ terms that are linear and diagonal, reducing to both the Hori–Vafa prescription as well as a recent $(2,2)$ nonabelian mirrors proposal on the $(2,2)$ locus. For the special case of abelian $(0,2)$ GLSMs, two of the authors have previously proposed a systematic construction, which is both simplified and generalized by the proposal here.


一个关于 nonabelian $(0,2)$ 镜像的提议

在本文中,我们为 $(0,2)$ 超对称测量线性 sigma 模型 (GLSM) 提出了一个镜像建议,对于那些 $(0,2)$ GLSMs,它们是 $(2,2)$ GLSMs 的变形。具体来说,我们建议为 $(0,2)$ GLSM 构建 $(0,2)$ 镜像,其中 $E$ 项是线性和对角线,减少到 Hori-Vafa 处方以及最近的 $( 2,2)$ nonabelian 在 $(2,2)$ 轨迹上镜像提案。对于 abelian $(0,2)$ GLSMs 的特殊情况,两位作者之前已经提出了一种系统构造,这里的提议既简化了又概括了。