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A multi-agent description of the influence of higher education on social stratification
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination ( IF 1.237 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s11403-022-00358-5
Giacomo Dimarco , Giuseppe Toscani , Mattia Zanella

We introduce and discuss a system of one-dimensional kinetic equations describing the influence of higher education in the social stratification of a multi-agent society. The system is obtained by coupling a model for knowledge formation with a kinetic description of the social climbing in which the parameters characterizing the elementary interactions leading to the formation of a social elite are assumed to depend on the degree of knowledge/education of the agents. In addition, we discuss the case in which the education level of an individual is function of the position occupied in the social ranking. With this last assumption, we obtain a fully coupled model in which knowledge and social status influence each other. In the last part, we provide several numerical experiments highlighting the role of education in reducing social inequalities and in promoting social mobility.



