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The Influence of Affirmative Action Bans on Institutional Retention
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice Pub Date : 2022-06-19 , DOI: 10.1177/15210251221108460
Xiaodan Hu 1 , Kubra Say 2 , Jeanette Barker 3 , Brennan Carr 4

With its direct impact on admissions procedures and (in)direct impact on campus climate, affirmative action bans can potentially influence student retention. This study uses a national dataset to examine the relationship between affirmative action bans in Oklahoma and New Hampshire and retention rates at public colleges and universities. Our findings indicate that the adoption of affirmative action bans is not associated with the average full-time or part-time retention rates for treated institutions relative to those institutions without affirmative action bans. We discuss the implications with respect to admissions policy changes, students’ college choices, and alternative policies to increase student diversity, equity, and inclusion.



