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Beyond Virtue Signaling: From Talking About to Enacting a Pedagogical Praxis of Justice in Urban Classrooms
Urban Education ( IF 2.684 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-19 , DOI: 10.1177/00420859221107612
Melissa Leigh Gibson 1

Drawing on ethnographic data of an urban school, this paper contrasts how two White female teachers take up the idea of ‘teaching for social justice.’ Fourth-grade teacher Maestra Rachel enacts a superficial understanding focused solely on curricular topics, while third-grade teacher Maestra Jennifer roots her teaching in an understanding of how students experience racial oppression in school. These cases demonstrate that a praxis of justice attends to curriculum and power, relationships, pedagogy, achievement, and identity. White teachers, specifically, must interrogate the role of Whiteness in their teaching, or they risk engaging in virtue signaling that reproduces injustice.



本文利用一所城市学校的民族志数据,对比了两名白人女教师如何接受“为社会正义而教学”的理念。四年级的老师 Maestra Rachel 制定了一种肤浅的理解,只关注课程主题,而三年级的老师 Maestra Jennifer 将她的教学植根于对学生如何在学校经历种族压迫的理解。这些案例表明,正义实践涉及课程权力、关系、教学法、成就和身份。具体来说,白人教师必须审问白人在他们的教学中所扮演的角色,否则他们就有可能参与再现不公正的美德信号。
