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“The Women's National Abortion Action Coalition & the Abortion Tribunals, 1971–1972”
Journal of Family History ( IF 0.403 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-21 , DOI: 10.1177/03631990221107092
Katherine Parkin 1

The Women's National Abortion Action Coalition organized for abortion rights, an end to forced sterilization, and accessible birth control. From its formation in July 1971 to its demise with the January 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, it was an inclusive, far-reaching network that spearheaded the call for reproductive justice. Assembling a coalition, including high school and college students and those who called themselves Third World women (Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American women), the group held marches, protests, and in the fall of 1972 abortion tribunals across the country, holding men in power accountable for the oppression of women.


“全国妇女堕胎行动联盟和堕胎法庭,1971-1972 年”

妇女全国堕胎行动联盟组织了堕胎权利、结束强迫绝育和可获得的节育。从 1971 年 7 月成立到 1973 年 1 月 Roe v. Wade 判决终结,它是一个包容、影响深远的网络,率先呼吁生殖正义。该组织组建了一个联盟,其中包括高中生和大学生以及那些自称第三世界女性(黑人、西班牙裔、亚裔和美洲原住民女性)的人,该组织举行了游行、抗议,并于 1972 年秋季在全国各地举行了堕胎法庭,让掌权的男性为压迫女性负责。
